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Return to today's inspirational quote

How it works ?

Step 1 : submit a quote

Use this form to submit a new quote

Step 2 : control by an admin

On receipt of your quote, an admin will check it to see if it can be published on the site.


Do I have to be the author of the quote?

It’s not mandatory 🙂
You can submit a quotation of which you are the author.
But you can also submit a quote from a person, known or unknown, who inspires you. In this case, please specify the real author of the quotation to give credit where credit is due.

Can I submit any type of quote?

The aim of this site is to provide inspirational quotes for designers. So please don’t suggest quotes that are in any way related to our favorite world of design.

Can I submit any type of quote?

The idea behind this site is to provide inspirational quotes for designers. So please only suggest quotes closely or remotely related to the world of design.

Will all the proposed quotes be posted on the site?

It depends. Look at the answer to the question just above.

Will I be notified whether or not my quote has been validated, and if so, when it will be published?

Yes !